What does "Status" mean?
- Pending: The transaction has been submitted to the Ethereum network but has not yet been processed.
This collection uses ${store.seasons[season_card.id].erc20_payment_info.payment_token_name} as the payment token. Your current balance is ${store.seasons[season_card.id].erc20_payment_info.balance_truncated_to_int} ${store.seasons[season_card.id].erc20_payment_info.payment_token_symbol}. You need to fund your address
in the
${network_variables[season_card.network].NAME} network
with additional ${season_card.required_additional_erc20_balance_ceil} ${store.seasons[season_card.id].erc20_payment_info.payment_token_symbol}.
Please make sure you fund the correct address in the correct network. Note that you will also need some amount of ${season_card.native_token} (network native token) for the network fees.
Resolving wallet balances...
Sold: ${value} / ${max} Stock: ${max}
What does "Status" mean?
- Pending: The transaction has been submitted to the Ethereum network but has not yet been processed.